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Claussen Bakery

About Project

Claussen Bakery

Claussen Bakery was a family-owned bakery that was built in Greenville’s West End in 1930. For decades, the bakery, though changing hands several times, contributed to the industrial and commercial success of Greenville’s west side. It is situated on a stretch of Augusta Street that is on the precipice of revitalization, and has the opportunity to have lasting benefit on reshaping several of Greenville’s ‘Special Emphasis’ neighborhoods. In 2014, a local real estate firm purchased the property and began renovating the building, as it was found to have significant structural issues. Today, the space houses commercial tenants, with locally-owned small businesses receiving reduced rental rates. The overhaul and update of this historic building serves as a catalyst to stimulate redevelopment and revitalization to the surrounding neighborhoods.

A $5 million investment that supports over 250 jobs, the re-use of the Claussen Bakery building has had a positive impact on the continued economic viability of Greenville’s maturing city and surrounding communities.

“The revitalization of this building will take it from a blighted eyesore that sat vacant for years, to a modern mixed-use development that will create construction jobs, direct and indirect employment, increased economic development to the immediate community, and the added benefit of facilitating new entrepreneurs investing in start-up businesses. It is clear to us that this project would not have existed without the New Markets Tax Credit program.”

– Steve Navarro, president, The Furman Co. Inc.

Project Overview

Real Estate Development

$ 5,000,000

Dollars Invested


Square Footage Developed or Rehabilitated

Project Location

Greenville, SC

Real Estate Developments